Muscle Strain and Pain

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Here in Northern California, spring has definitely sprung! Along with the warmer weather comes the aches and pains of using our muscles in ways they haven’t been used all winter – outdoor exercise, gardening and warm weather projects. If you find yourself with aching muscles here’s a Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help technique that can help the muscles let go and relax. You’ll be using Jin Shin Jyutsu’s safety energy lock #8 which is a point located at the outside back of the knee on the head (the knobby part) of the fibula bone. #8 picture

To utilize this hold, simply find the points – one on each knee – let up on the pressure, relax your shoulders, breathe and hold these points for 3-5 minutes.  When these points release I experience a sort of ‘whoosh’ through my whole body and an immediate body-wide relaxation.  This hold also helps with rhythm, strength and peace in the body, the body’s thermostat and for releasing tension in the pelvic girdle area.  This takes a bit of practice but it is definitely worth putting some time into.  The results are great!

Happy Spring and Jin Shinning!


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