Jane has been using Jin Shin Jyutsu to help many kinds of animals for over 24 years, including horses, cats, dogs, rabbits, birds. She has even used her art to help rescue an owl, a baby sea lion, baby sea turtles and other wondrous creatures as well!
While some animals can be seen in her office, she also can arrange for house/barn visits to bring the therepeutic art of Jin Shin Jyutsu right to your animals.
Most small animals respond well to 1/2 hour sessions. Cats are more challenging to treat unless they are sedentary (they are so sensitive to energy movement, and generally don’t put up with sitting still). Jane provided Jin Shin Jyutsu to her two cats who lived healthy lives for over 20 years.
In addition to performing a Jin Shin Jyutsu session for your pet, Jane will show you how to do some simple Jin Shin Jyutsu self help on yourself and then show you how to translate that to helping your pet.

Jin Shin Jyustu can be used with positive results for animals as well as people. This art that harmonizes energy by balancing the body, mind and spirit can bring wellbeing and comfort to the beloved animals that are in your care.
All living beings are made up of energy pathways and circulation patterns. Blockages in these energetic pathways can lead to disease and disharmony. Jin Shin Jyutsu for animals releases these blocked energy points allowing for increased wellness and more ease of movement. It has also has been known to bring a gentleness to the aging process and increase lifespan and vitality.
Call today to schedule a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment for your pets.
You and your pets will be delighted with the results!
Animals respond amazingly well to Jin Shin Jyutsu and I’ve developed a simple yet effective method of ‘tuning up’ your pet or other animal. Now I’ve created a class to teach you how to do it. It helps if you have taken a Jin Shin Jyutsu class for Self Treatment but is not entirely necessary. You will not have to bring your animal to class.
Contact Jane if you are interested in pet care classes